Can hermaphrodites get themselves pregnant? - The Straight DopeThis is what you have to know about having a baby that is IntersexFirst, take a deep breath. You can scare new parents to hear something unexpected from a doctor once your baby is born. But intersexual traits naturally occur, and it is not a disease or condition that affects the physical health of the baby. When a baby is born, they are given a biological sex, whether male or female, based on their genitals. You may even have learned your baby's sex before birth in a similar way: Nothing in the ultrasound legs? "Congratulations, is a girl," listen. (Unless something is hidden from sight, right?) But it can be a little more complicated than that. Sometimes a baby may have genitals with some male characteristics and some female features. And even deeper than external appearance, some people are born with a mixture of male and female biological characteristics (such as a uterus and testicles) that cannot be seen outside. When a person does not exactly fall into the sexual designation "man" or "feminine", the term "intersex" can be used. Intersex is not new, and he is not political in himself. It's just a more recognizable term now, although many people still don't understand it. This is a popular question for the google, but it may not be the right one to ask. Note that people who are intersex are our coworkers, friends, neighbors, classmates, in other words, you probably have interacted with someone who is intersex and had no idea. That's because they look like anyone you know. Yeah, sometimes a baby's genitals that have intersexual traits are noticeably different. Here are some possibilities: But the baby's genitals can also be completely masculine or completely feminine. In other words, they may have male anatomy outside but female anatomy inside, or vice versa. It might be that a child's state as an intersex is not evident until puberty, when his body produces more than one hormone that does not match his assigned sex. Or perhaps certain expected milestones of puberty—like a deep voice or growing breasts—do not occur. Or maybe those who happen are characteristic of what you thought was "opposition" sex. In these cases, a person who had more biological male characteristics as a child could look more feminine after puberty according to a slow society to reject the traditional binary system. Or a person who looked like a woman as a child could start to look more stereotypically male as a teenager. And sometimes, a person may not learn that they have intersex traits until later, as if they had difficulty having children and seeing specialists to learn why. (Note: Not all people with intersexual traits have fertility problems.) It is even possible to have intersex traits and never know. Regardless, a person does not "become" intersex. It is with what they are born, whether clear at birth or not until later. A note on terminology Opinions differ on the term "intersex" and whether it is a medical or social designation. Some people with intersex traits are identified as men or women rather than as intersex. Obviously, this is often true for those who spend their entire lives without knowing about their intersex traits. The term "intersex" does not describe a particular thing. As we have already spoken, there are many different varieties, a spectrum. They usually happen naturally. If you're a new father trying to figure out all this, you know there's nothing he did or didn't do to "do" your baby intersexo. For example, you may have learned in sexual education that we are born with sexual chromosomes. Usually, females have a pair of X chromosomes and males have an X chromosome and a Y chromosome. But did you know there are other variations? For example: These variations can occur randomly and spontaneously during conception. Sometimes it is due to egg cells, and sometimes it is due to sperm cells. They may also occur due to other causes. These chromosomal variations sometimes result in what could be labeled as intersex. More commonly, however, a baby born with intersex traits fits into the XX or XY category. But now we know that biological sex is more complex than our chromosomes. For example: If a baby is born with female anatomy outside and male anatomy inside, this is also something that happened randomly around the time of . They may have XX or XY chromosomes, but that just doesn't mean they are a "girl" or a "girl." Intersex is not a disease, and it cannot be "cured." So in that sense, there is no treatment. It is possible to have health conditions that need to be addressed in relation to intersexual anatomy. For example, if you have a uterus but no uterine opening, as an adult may have painful menstrual cycles in which the blood does not come out of your body. In this case, you may (as an adult) want to have surgery to create an opening. But this is not "treating intersex." This is treating a closed uterus. And what about your baby, who may not have typical genitalia? You pick a sex? The short answer is that unless there is also a health condition (such as the urine that does not leave the body properly), it does not need to do anything in terms of medical intervention. But your doctor may recommend surgery to make genitals appear more typically male or typically female. American doctors have been doing this at least since the 1930s, especially performing clitoris surgery when parents try to raise a baby with a large clitoris as a child. There may be social reasons for this recommendation, and your doctor may check with you, but we also urge you to consult non-medical professionals as counselors. At present, in the vast majority of American states, each baby is given a binary sex, the birth certificate of your baby will say male or female. So maybe you need to choose, at least initially. This is changing, and a growing number of states are allowing an "X" instead of "M" or "F" in things like identification cards. However, this remains something that changes later, when your child is older — or even an adult — and decides for himself. And in most places, changing the sex in your birth certificate means changing it from man to woman or vice versa. When it comes to raising your child, there is good news for babies born with intersex traits — it is more acceptable to raise children in a "neutral" way than ever before. But stigma and social barriers are still very real. Again, that's why many doctors still recommend surgery so that your baby's genitals match the sex they are given. This can lead to all kinds of questions, however: All these questions are more commonly indicated as: "What if we choose evil?" This concern can weigh a lot. This is where it is crucial to talk to family counselors with intersex, social workers, a variety of medical professionals, trusted friends and family, and people with intersex traits. Remember: Genital surgery done only for appearance reasons (cosmic surgery) is never urgent. You can take your time, enjoy your newborn, meet your child as they grow, and continue an open dialogue with your doctor and others. For many parents who are told that their baby is intersex, fears about the future acceptance, relationships and self-esteem of their child are frontal and central. You may have questions like, "Will my child be able to go to sleepovers?" and "What if they mock the high school gym class costumes?" These are natural concerns that show their love and concern for their little one. Fortunately, there are resources. In addition to several first-hand accounts of people who identify themselves as intersex, useful resources include: Remember: There is no shame in having a child with intersex traits or being intersex. Until society is fully aligned with this view, there will be some challenges ahead. But with a strong support system that includes you, your baby can thrive in adolescence and beyond. Last medical review on October 29, 2019 Read this next set of words
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